See this month's meetings.
Meeting calendarSee previous reports considered at the committee.
ReportsSee what decisions have been implemented and which are still being worked on.
Decision registerArea of focus
The Kōrau Tūāpapa | Environment and Infrastructure Committee has responsibility for: 1. RMA matters, including urban planning, city design, built environment, natural environment, biodiversity, heritage, and the District Plan. 2. Housing. 3. Climate change response and resilience. 4. Council property. 5. Waste management & minimisation. 6. Transport including Let’s Get Wellington Moving. 7. Council infrastructure and infrastructure strategy. 8. Capital works programme delivery, including CCOs’ and Wellington Water Limited’s capital works programmes. 9. Three waters.
- Councillor Tim Brown
Deputy chair
- Councillor Rebecca Matthews
All members
- Councillor Ben McNulty
- Councillor Diane Calvert
- Councillor Geordie Rogers
- Pouiwi Holden Hohaia
- Councillor Iona Pannett
- Councillor John Apanowicz
- Deputy Mayor Laurie Foon
- Pouiwi Liz Kelly
- Councillor Nicola Young
- Councillor Nureddin Abdurahman
- Councillor Nīkau Wi Neera
- Councillor Ray Chung
- Councillor Sarah Free
- Councillor Tamatha Paul
- Councillor Teri O'Neill
- Councillor Tony Randle
- Mayor Tory Whanau
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